Free Online XML Sitemap Generator

Search Engine Optimization

XML Sitemap Generator

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About XML Sitemap Generator

Sitemap Creator is a free, premium-quality online tool developed by Bigbull Small SEO Tools' engineers to help you easily create functional XML Sitemaps for your website.



As a webmaster, you want your website to rank on the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

Of course, everyone does!

But for your site to get indexed and eventually rank, search engines like Google would often have to regularly “crawl” your site.

They do this to provide the most up-to-date content in the search results.

Sometimes, the search bots may crawl a site multiple times in a day, especially if you post new articles throughout the day the case is with news sites.

The crawl process is algorithmic primarily, meaning that computer programs determine how often search bots should crawl each site.

The more times these search engine spiders crawl your site, the more of your content they'll index. This ultimately leads to more of your pages showing up for queries and by extension more organic traffic trooping into your site.

However, for your site to get crawled *correctly* every time and more frequently as it were, there has to be a structure in place. And it is called Sitemap.