Meta Tags Analyzer

Search Engine Optimization

Meta Tags Analyzer

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About Meta Tags Analyzer

Meta Tags Analyzer is an online tool that will help you check the meta tags of any website to improve your site's SEO.


What are Meta Tags?

When you formulate a Search Engine Optimisation strategy for your site, Meta Tags are considered one of the most influential elements of it. They are crucial for the on-page optimization of your website.

Meta Tags a single head that includes numerous sub-heads. There is a meta title, and a meta description tag, along with an H1 tag, an alt tag, and the slug. After performing keyword analysis, you must optimize every single one of these meta tags with your focus keyword. Search engines then rank your site depending on how organic your keyword optimization is.

About Meta Tags Analyzer Tool?
Every search engine has its designated crawler that has been coded to follow an algorithm. These crawlers have the authority to index websites, and then the search engines rank them accordingly. The path followed by the crawler is apparent.

It crawls through your site's Meta Data including the meta title, meta description tag, H1 tag, slug, and alt tag along with the content as well. It crawls over them and analyses them. The crawler monitors the focus keyword of your site and how it has been used in those meta tags. If the crawler identifies that the Meta Data of your site is too short, too long, or does not have a keyword then, it flags the search engine about these drawbacks which in turn affect your Search Engine Result Page Rankings.

What RankWatch's Meta Tags Analyzer Tool does is it analyses every single meta information of your provided domain and produces a list of meta tags errors instantly. By resolving those flagged issues, you increase the chances of your website ranking higher in the SERPs. 

Meta Tag Analyzer Tool's Working Explained?
Consider our Meta tag analyzer tool one of the simplest ways to identify your website's meta tag errors. Begin by simply pasting the URL of the site on which you want to perform meta-tag analyses. In less than a minute, our Meta Tag Analyzer tool scans and produces the report for you.

Now, about the meta tags errors report. In the report, you will not just be provided with your site's metadata's negative parts but the positives as well. If the number of words and keyword optimization is up to the mark then, the meta tag report will reflect that. However, if the Meta Data is not appropriate; if there is no proper keyword optimization, but there is keyword stuffing then, the report will flag it as wrong, along with the reason for it. To save yourself from getting penalized for keyword stuffing, you must focus on and optimize the keyword density. once you are done, you can use Keyword  Density Checker and optimize keywords effectively.

For instance, if the meta description tag and the meta title are too short, then the report will inform you about it. And will provide you with the minimum number of characters that should be included in the meta title and the meta description tag.

Additional Information provided by the Meta Tag Analyzer tool: Meta Tags are crucial elements of on-page optimization, but they are not the only ones necessary for the whole process. There are other elements of On-page optimization as well, i.e, the presence of internal links and page size. 

Both these pieces of information are provided to you by RankWatch's Meta tag Analyzer proactively.

Benefits of our Free Meta Tag Analyzer?
Our free Meta tag Analyzer tool can help you attain better rankings by making actionable suggestions that will always be beneficial for your website.

When you go through the Meta Tags analysis report, you will realize where your keyword optimization process went wrong. The tool produces a report after analyzing almost every aspect of your site's on-page optimization but with a significant focus on the meta description tag, meta title, H1 tag, etc. 

The Meta Tags Errors report also provides you with the pages that have an active robots.txt file. Robots.txt is a file that, when engaged, informs the search engine crawler not to crawl and index a particular page under your domain. Sometimes there are pages with active Robots.txt files where they should not be present. This leads to you being unable to locate your site in the SERPs. Hence, they must be removed.

Find out SEO Meta Tags using Meta Tag Analyzer.
The report produced by the Meta Tag Analyser tool is very detailed. It provides information related to the SEO Meta Tags that can affect your SERP rankings.

The report distinctly provides you with information related to 

Meta Title

Meta Description Tag

H1 Tag 

Meta Keyword


Page Size

How is your site being displayed in the SERPs

In front of every head, related information is presented. For instance, in front of the Meta Title, the title of your page is highlighted. If your title is made up of fewer or more characters than average, then the report highlights the minimum number of characters for optimum keyword optimization.

Other than that, the tool provides you with the page size of your submitted URL and internal links. If the page size is more then your site will load slower and lead to increased bounce rates. And internal links can lead the crawler to crawl and index other pages of your website.

Why use our Meta Tag Checker?
The specialty of RankWatch's Meta Tag Checker is that it produces reports in less than a minute. It provides you with the meta tags errors alongside the actionable suggestions which can improve your on-page optimization and ultimately the rankings.

With the time that you save by using our Meta Tag Checker, you can utilize that time in some other tasks. You can use several other free tools on our site like the keyword research tool, word counter tool, and plagiarism checker tool, URL Redirect Checker, XML Sitemap Generator, Favicon Generator. etc. and prepare an effective SEO strategy that can position your website on the first result page and dominate the #1 ranking.